Creative Curriculum is based around projects-of-study. That means we take a broad concept that is familiar and interesting to our class (such as trees, or clothes, or exercise) and expand that into an entire 4-8 week study. During this time, we investigate several questions, we visit different sites to learn more, we research, and we record what we are learning. It is so fun to watch little learners be able to dig deep into their learning and we love to see the class take ownership over their studies.
To find out more, please see the handout below.
Our program uses Pecci Phonics to teach children their letters and sounds in the same way that the Madrid kindergarten classes learn! Pecci is a catchy way for students to recall their letter sounds with a physical movement, as research shows our brains comprehend more information when we pair it with an action.
We also incorporate literacy and math into everything we do. Letters and numbers are taught during large and small group, read aloud times and discussions, and even during play (center) time! We make learning fun and engaging so that our learners are EXCITED to recognize letters and numbers, which gets us excited too!
Social learning is at the heart of preschool. Every day we meet obstacles and conflicts. In preschool, our goal is not to make those obstacles disappear, but to learn the correct skills to handling those situations to avoid conflict. This is definitely a process, but one that helps us to empathize, communicate with, and work with those around us who may have similar or differing ideas. Each day we work toward building up our class community and helping others!
In our classroom, we utilize Red and Green Choices, Whole Body Listening, and PBIS strategies to make the transition from preschool to Madrid Elementary an easy one!
All preschoolers are natural scientists-they are experts at asking questions all the time! Our preschool program offers them many opportunities to explore the physical world, ask questions, make predictions, and seek answers in a safe environment. We have a designated discovery (science) center that the children can explore each day during center time, as well as guided learning experiences during large group. All of our science units are from Pocket of Preschool Little Learners Science Curriculum.
Both our 3 and 4 year old classes utilize the Learning Without Tears curriculum for pre-writing and handwriting practice.
Handwriting can be tricky! Especially before our hands and bodies have developed the proper muscles. That is why we focus not only on proper letter formation, but also building up core and shoulder muscles, increasing hand and finger strength, and teaching how we hold our writing instruments.
Click here for some preschool practice pages!
Research shows that little people learn through play! At Tiger Tots, we are a firm believer in this, and that is why both our preschool classes reserve over an hour each day to play (center) time. We believe it is more than "just" play, but that through play, children can have diverse learning experiences, practice social and language skills, build large and fine motor skills, and expand their understanding of the physical world. To read about how play is beneficial, please see the handout below!
Center Time and How Beneficial it is for Your Child-handout (pdf)